This is a list of 12 common used German idioms or sayings that are all about cats! The literal translations of these German cat idioms into English are sometimes just hilarious. Let us know in the comments below if you have similar sayings in your language or maybe a different idiom for the same meaning! German // English translation … Read More
Beginner Vocabulary: Winter words (with PDF!)
It’s getting cold in Germany and some regions already had the first snow of this winter. Brrr! You may hate or love winter, but anyway, you can cuddle up with a cup of tea, a cozy blanket and some German vocabulary – with our Winter Edition :) Your winter words and phrases are now even available as a PDF (see … Read More
14 German Idioms & words for Valentine’s Day
14 German Idioms & words for Valentine’s day. 1. Er ist verrückt nach ihr: He’s crazy about her. 2. Total verknallt sein: to be madly in love 3. Jemandem schöne Augen machen: to make mooneyes on somebody 4. Auf Wolke 7 schweben: to be on cloud nine 5. Schmetterlinge im Bauch haben: to have butterflies in one’s stomach 6. Liebe … Read More
10 inspirational German quotes about life
What do Germans have to say about this thing called “life”? I want to share some German quotes of famous german-speaking people with you, enjoy reading and learning some new words at the same time :) 1. Das Schönste, was wir erleben können, ist das Geheimnisvolle. The most beautiful thing we can experience is mystery. (Albert Einstein) 2. Ist das … Read More
German expressions of the week
Here are the German expressions of the past week with Audio. Enjoy :) mit Ach und Krach – by the skin of one’s teeth/with great difficulty Mir ist kalt. – I’m cold. Ach du meine Güte! – Oh my goodness! Ich bin beschäftigt. – I’m busy.
Dein letztes Wochenende
Practise German by answering some questions about your last weekend :) Loading…
5 German expressions & phrases: “to relax”
Das Wochenende steht vor der Tür (the weekend is just around the corner)! What do you do at weekends? That’s right – you relax! If you can. Here are some ways to express relaxation in German: 1. abschalten: to unwind “Füße hochlegen und einfach mal abschalten!” 2. sich ausruhen: to rest “Ich ruhe mich heute mal aus.” 3. chillen: to … Read More
5 German expressions & phrases for Mondays
1. todmüde: dead tired Oh Mann, ich bin todmüde!!” 2. gerade mal: only, no more than Oh Nein, es ist ja gerade mal 12 Uhr!!” 3. ätzend: lousy, god-awful “Boah, ist der Tag ätzend!” 4. Das Montagsgerät = defectice products, with e.g. missing or wrong parts, presumably manufactured on a Monday (=> tired and innatentive assembly line workers) z.B.: Das … Read More