Goethe Zertifikat A1 – oral exam – speaking part

sabineAllgemein14 Comments

Are you preparing to take the Goethe Zertifikat A1 or Start Deutsch 1 test? Here is a video that shows you the procedure of the oral exam. Could you answer all the questions? :)

PS: I have successfully trained many people from all over the world for their German exams with online german language courses. If you need help, feel free to contact me for test preparation lessons!

14 Comments on “Goethe Zertifikat A1 – oral exam – speaking part”

  1. Dr.zameer faizee

    I want to learn German completely I like your speaking preparation videos very much.

  2. Anagha

    I am preparing for german A1 level. Need practice for oral conversation… How can you help me for that

  3. jianyi

    hello sabine,

    I am preparing for the TELC DTZ test B1. I just got one test, and the results are : writing, reading, listing b1. but the oral speaking is only A2. I have another exam in three weeks, could you help me about this? Thank you so much.

  4. Suhasini

    I am preparing for the German A1 level. Need practice for oral conversation… Can you help me with that?

    1. sabine

      Hi Suhasini,
      yes of course, I’de be happy to help you :) We can practice the speaking part of the exam in the online lesson together. Let me know if you have any further questions :) Viele Grüße, Sabine

  5. Eisi

    I am preparing for german A1 level. Need practice for speaking… How can you help me for that

    1. sabine

      Hi! A good idea is to practice the speaking part for the exam together and work on your general speaking skills and vocabulary :)

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