This is a list of 12 common used German idioms or sayings that are all about cats! The literal translations of these German cat idioms into English are sometimes just hilarious. Let us know in the comments below if you have similar sayings in your language or maybe a different idiom for the same meaning! German // English translation … Read More
5 tips for successful language learning
Happy 2015 my dear readers! It’s already been 9 days, and so much happening in the world. How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? If you set yourself the goal this year to learn German (or any other language), then here are 5 tips that might help you to start the year off right. 5 tips for successful … Read More
German abbreviations you’ll never find in a textbook
In German, you can abbreviate everything. Even not so long words. And Germans are really crazy about shortening words, even though a lot of Germans also find this really annoying ;) But neverthless, you will hear a lot of these strange words when you spend some time in Germany or speak with Germans…so here are some common abbreviations, most of … Read More
A German Intensive
The past week, I taught my first intensive German course online, with a private C1-level student from Switzerland. The student took 12 hours of German lessons in 5 days. We split the 2-3 hours a day between grammar (such delightful topics as Partizipalkonstruktionen, Passivsätze, etc.), speaking and working on his writing. It was great teamwork and the outcomes at the … Read More