Level: Lower Intermediate A new part of the dialogue series is finally here! A short but typically conversation about snow, with vocabulary. Enjoy ♥ Dialog: Der Schnee A: „Ach guck mal! Es hat geschneit. Alles weiß draußen! B: “Darauf hätte ich dieses Jahr auch verzichten können.” A: „Warum magst du denn keinen Schnee?“ B: „Schnee ist kalt und beim Fahrradfahren … Read More
Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten (Deutsche Welle)
Slowly spoken news in German – listen and read along. The slow speaking is a little funny, but many of my students say that the “Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten” by Deutsche Welle help them a lot with listening comprehension and pronunciation. Find it here: (click on the link or the image) http://www.dw.de/langsam-gesprochene-nachrichten-learning-german/a-2925601
Top 3 websites to learn German online
How to get started if you want to learn German? What to do to practise your skills? Some of the most useful websites (all free!) to learn German are introduced here, including information on how to use them effectively: 1. Duolingo A free website where you can learn Spanish, German, English, French etc., mostly by translating sentences. A game-like learning … Read More