German writing tips: introduce yourself

sabineAllgemein1 Comment

Learn how to write a short introduction about yourself in German. This can also be used for your Level A1 test preparation.


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Useful Vocabulary:

Verbs (all highlighted in the text above)

  • ich bin I am

-> You can use  “Ich bin” and  add your name, your age and your job! E.G. “Ich bin Martina. Ich bin 22 Jahre alt. Ich bin Journalistin.

To say your name, you can also use the verb “heißen”: Ich heiße Martina.

  • ich studiereI study
  • meine Hobbies sindmy Hobbies are

-> if you have only one hobby: “Mein Hobby ist..”

some other hobbies: lesen, singen, tanzen, reisen, fotografieren, Musik hören, wandern, joggen,…

  • ich wohne in I live in

More Tips

  • in the German language, nouns, names and places are written with a capital letter*. Examples from the text: Leute, Andreas , Jahre, Berlin, Anglistik, Hobbys (plural), Sport, Sprachen.
  • “ich” is only written with a capital at the beginning of a sentence, so this is not like in English. But we do use capitals for the formal pronouns “Sie”, “Ihre”, etc. For more information, please also refer to the link below.

*of course that’s not all, for more information about when to use the capital letter in German, please look here.

  • the German Plural of Hobby  is “Hobbys” with a “y”
  • more information about numbers and their pronunciation: see here

Now, for your own German writing practise, why not write your own introduction! If you want a feedback, leave your introduction in the comments!

Happy studying!


One Comment on ““German writing tips: introduce yourself”

  1. Robert

    Mein Name ist Robert Longwe.
    Ich bin Zwei und dreißig Jahre alt und ich wohne in Hallenberg jetzt.
    Mein Beruf ist Klempner.
    Ich habe vor fünf Jahren geheiratet und Ich habe ein Kind.
    Meine Hobbys sind; Singen, Boxen, Musik hören Und Sport machen.
    Ich spreche; Englisch, Afrikans und ein bisschen Deutsch

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