German cases, esp. Accusative and Dative, are a grammar topic that a lot of German learners struggle with..but with this song it’s easier to remember when to use which case.. give it a try :) Tipp: Wohin? = Akkusativ Wo? Dativ
5 German expressions & phrases: “to relax”
Das Wochenende steht vor der Tür (the weekend is just around the corner)! What do you do at weekends? That’s right – you relax! If you can. Here are some ways to express relaxation in German: 1. abschalten: to unwind “Füße hochlegen und einfach mal abschalten!” 2. sich ausruhen: to rest “Ich ruhe mich heute mal aus.” 3. chillen: to … Read More
Top 3 websites for learning German Grammar
Learning German grammar on the internet can be fun! Here are 3 websites that make learning about cases, gender, prepositions etc. a bit more enjoyable and easy :) Again, all of this is free!! 1. Grimm Grammar Lots of grammar topics and exercises that are all related to fairy tales..learning German has never been that enchanting! ;) 2. … Read More
Learn German with dialogues #2
Learn real German with authentic dialogues! Today a conversation with a lot of local prepositions. Enjoy :) A: „Wo kommst du jetzt her?“ B: „Aus der Schule. Und du, kommst du von zu Hause?“ A: „Nein, ich komme von Tim, ich habe ihn besucht. Aber ich gehe jetzt nach Hause.“ B: „Ok, hast du es eilig, oder willst du noch … Read More
5 German expressions & phrases for Mondays
1. todmüde: dead tired Oh Mann, ich bin todmüde!!” 2. gerade mal: only, no more than Oh Nein, es ist ja gerade mal 12 Uhr!!” 3. ätzend: lousy, god-awful “Boah, ist der Tag ätzend!” 4. Das Montagsgerät = defectice products, with e.g. missing or wrong parts, presumably manufactured on a Monday (=> tired and innatentive assembly line workers) z.B.: Das … Read More
German expressions with “machen”
sich vom Acker machen – to posh off blaumachen – to skip work aus einer Mücke einen Elefanten machen – to make a mountain out of a molehill die Nacht durchmachen – to pull an all-nighter es kurz machen – to cut a long story short
Learn “real” German with dialogs
New series: German dialogs to learn real spoken German! Short conversations with authentic language -as an alternative to the somehwat unnatural sounding conversations in common textbooks. Vocabulary explanations provided :) Nr. 1: “Abendplanung” A: „Was machst’n du morgen?“ B: „Hab’ noch nix vor.“ A: „Wollen wir ins Kino?“ B: „Was läuft denn grad so?“ A: „Weiß ich gar nicht so … Read More
NEW: Group lessons!
Now available: Group lessons via Google Hangouts, starting with a conversation group for levels B1-B2. Learn more about it here. Advantages of group lessons: Learning with others can keep you motivated The lessons will be regular (usually once a week for 12 weeks), also great for motivation! Try it and contact me if you’re interested in more group lessons (:
The Denglisch Quiz
Take the quiz and test your knowledge of German idioms (translated into English). :D Luckwish! I scored 100% on this lustig Denglisch quiz. The average is 54% – Try and beat it, aftermaker!
Top 3 websites to learn German online
How to get started if you want to learn German? What to do to practise your skills? Some of the most useful websites (all free!) to learn German are introduced here, including information on how to use them effectively: 1. Duolingo A free website where you can learn Spanish, German, English, French etc., mostly by translating sentences. A game-like learning … Read More