If you still need a reason to learn German, here it is: Last week, Germany abolished all tuition fees for studying at university. All German universities are now free to all students, including international students who learn to speak German. Find out more here: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/get-a-free-college-degree-passport-required/
German dictionaries online & gender help
Still looking for a good German online dictionary? Many students ask me about this, so here are some recommendations for online dictionaries, not only for German-English/English-German: 1. dict.cc Find almost any word there, at least in the german-english dictionary. But dict.cc also translates into many other languages. 2. PONS online dictionary Many languages available, listening function, useful short phrases for … Read More
Dein letztes Wochenende
Practise German by answering some questions about your last weekend :) Loading…
German abbreviations you’ll never find in a textbook
In German, you can abbreviate everything. Even not so long words. And Germans are really crazy about shortening words, even though a lot of Germans also find this really annoying ;) But neverthless, you will hear a lot of these strange words when you spend some time in Germany or speak with Germans…so here are some common abbreviations, most of … Read More
Goethe Zertifikat A1 – oral exam – speaking part
Are you preparing to take the Goethe Zertifikat A1 or Start Deutsch 1 test? Here is a video that shows you the procedure of the oral exam. Could you answer all the questions? :) PS: I have successfully trained many people from all over the world for their German exams with online german language courses. If you need help, feel … Read More
A German Intensive course..online?
The past week, I taught my first intensive German course online, with a private C1-level student from Switzerland. The student took 12 hours of German lessons in 5 days. We split the 2-3 hours a day between grammar (such delightful topics as Partizipalkonstruktionen, Passivsätze, etc.), speaking and working on his writing. It was great teamwork and the outcomes at the … Read More
Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten (Deutsche Welle)
Slowly spoken news in German – listen and read along. The slow speaking is a little funny, but many of my students say that the “Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten” by Deutsche Welle help them a lot with listening comprehension and pronunciation. Find it here: (click on the link or the image) http://www.dw.de/langsam-gesprochene-nachrichten-learning-german/a-2925601
5 German expressions with “Film”
1. in einen Film gehen: go to a movie 2. einen Filmriss haben: to go blank, have a mental blackout 3. im falschen Film sein: to be in the wrong movie (= feel like you’re in the wrong place) 4. einen Film drehen: to shoot a film 5. der Filmemacher: (the) movie maker
How to name animals in German
See how Waschbär, Faultier, Schildkröte & Co. got their names ;)
Learn German with dialogues #3
Schule A: „Na, wie war der erste Schultag?“ B: „Einfach nur ätzend.“ A: „Warum das denn? War es nicht cool, alle Freunde wiederzusehen?“ B: „Ja, das schon, aber wir haben einen echt blöden Stundenplan. Ich muss jeden Tag bis sonstwann bleiben. Darauf hab‘ ich keinen Bock.“ A: „Naja, das ist so, in den höheren Klassen, Hast du wengistens gute Lehrer … Read More